Good Afternoon,

My concerns for Redacted medical care have not abated.  To the contrary, I just spoke with my son, who just got back to his cell from EMC today before lunch, as he called for help on Sunday night as he could not feel his feet.  They were numb.  Redacted signed the medical release of information form and submitted it while in that area.  Now that he has completed that form, I want to speak with the doctor in charge, in order to have a conversation about what is going on. 

He also informed me that not once, since this ordeal began, at least 4 weeks ago or more, when the first doctor saw him, has he had any blood drawn for testing.  No CBC, no comprehensive metabolic profile, nothing.  How can this be?  The first line of defense in any medical crisis, in every ER, is the blood work to determine if there is anything going on that is irregular.  

He obviously has a significant medical issue that is not normal and I want to know who is diagnosing him and what is going to be done to establish the correct medical care.  I also want to make sure you are all aware that he only has ONE KIDNEY, an anomaly from birth.

It is difficult to walk and he is in pain.  

He also told me that he signed a release of medical information form for his vascular surgeon, Dr. Rahimi.  


Susan Guardia

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