What is next?

Thankfully, Redacted was seen by his vascular surgeon, Dr. Saum Rahimi,  November 22, 2022.  According to Redacted, Dr. Rahimi ruled out vascular issues as to why his calves are so swollen and painful. Redacted mentioned that Dr. Rahimi suggested compression stockings and gabapentin for the pain. To date, there has been no followup with these suggestions and Redacted continues to be in pain. Redacted also expressed to me that he would like to read Dr. Rahimi’s report. That should be made available to him. 

While I am relieved that this issue is not vascular, I am extremely concerned that there could be something going on with his kidneys, which is causing fluid to accumulate in his lower extremities. Redacted only has one kidney, as I have mentioned several times, on the left side. He was told that his blood work was “good” but he has not been given any of his medical information to date, so he has not been able to look at those records. I am aware that Redacted is receiving two diuretics and I urged him to make sure that he takes them, even though he told me that there is no change in the swelling. It is now three months since Redacted first saw the doctor on September 28, 2022. That is three months of swelling and three months of pain.

Redacted informed me on November 23, 2022, that he has had problems urinating, which include pain and sharp stabbing feelings near the end of urination. I told him to put in a slip for medical.  He informed me that a nurse came and took a urine sample on November 24, 2022. What are the results of that sample? I have to wonder why, back on September 28, 2022, Redacted did not have a urinalysis and blood work drawn with his obvious symptoms at the time.

It is so hard to imagine why these basic tests were not performed at the onset of symptoms. If any one of us had gone to the doctor, this would have been the protocol.  

There is obviously something wrong.  Maybe it’s his kidneys, maybe it’s not.  Maybe it’s neurological, like the doctor at St. Francis suggested, maybe it’s not.  

The pain is still there, every hour of every day. At the very least, that issue should have been and should presently be addressed and has not.  

I would also like to remind the DOC and Rutgers University Correctional Health, that, according to Ms. Reed, Redacted signed a medical release of information form for me several weeks ago. It seems that the DOC is not aware of this as I received an email as per below.  They also stated that Redacted’s condition  “has greatly improved and he is walking without the assistance of a cane.”  Redacted has never used a cane and it seems obvious that his symptoms have not improved at all.

This letter also stated the below, which is absolutely untrue. 

“A copy of this form was provided to him, however he does not wish to complete the form, stating that he will personally advise his family of any updates.”

Either the DOC has totally confused Redacted with another patient/inmate or they are totally making things up.  This is unacceptable.

DOC Correspondence [DOC] <[email protected]>Mon, Nov 21, 10:11 AM (7 days ago)

Thank you for reaching out to the NJ Department of Corrections.  We are in receipt of your correspondence addressed to Commissioner Kuhn, regarding your son, Redacted Redacted, and your concerns regarding the treatment of his leg.  

Redacted was first seen on September 28, 2022, for swelling in his right leg, and by Rutgers University Correctional Health Care (UCHC) physicians and medical staff during many subsequent visits thereafter. Due to HIPAA regulations, we are not at liberty to disclose Mr. Redacted specific treatment; but can advise his condition has greatly improved and he is walking without the assistance of a cane.  He is seen at least weekly by medical staff to reevaluate his condition and has the ability to request additional visits, if necessary.     

 The Department has discussed with Mr. Redacted the need for a HIPAA release, which would allow UCHC to update his family about his plan of care.  A copy of this form was provided to him, however he does not wish to complete the form, stating that he will personally advise his family of any updates.   


Community & Offender Correspondence Unit

Office of the Commissioner

New Jersey Department of Corrections

I am respectfully asking that the DOC and Rutgers University Correctional Health coordinate their information so that I do not receive emails like the above, which are extremely upsetting for me.  I am also requesting that Redacted and I receive a copy of the medical release of information form that he signed. At the very least, Redacted should have a copy.

I hope that Dr. Brewer, as the medical director, will be proactive in figuring out what is going on and how to treat my son.


Susan Guardia

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