Redacted was moved from South Woods Prison to the New Jersey State Prison on Friday, March 3, 2022.  This was a pretty hard week for him as he had such an emotionally traumatic experience leading up to his departure.  Being bitten and attacked by his cellmate, for instance, and then staying in the medical clinic area at South Woods, with his bitten finger hurting and feeling really down, with no medical personnel noticing that he was having severe emotional distress was tough.  My last letter pretty much defined that last week.

And then…

It is hard to believe…

That once again…

The toilet paper issue arose as soon as Redacted arrived in the New Jersey State Prison. Unfortunately, I am not surprised. As per Redacted, he told me that he was asking for toilet paper for several days, and Sgt. Redacted told him, and I’m paraphrasing, “that there was no toilet paper to be given out in the whole jail.” Really? I don’t know about you, but I do not believe that.

I already addressed this issue once before, in my letter dated December 31, 2022, with a response from the Department of Corrections (DOC) in January, which I included in my first of the year email.

And once again I will reiterate that this issue should not be on the table as an issue.  Period.

This abusive behavior by any of the Correctional Officers (CO’s) who denied him or anyone else toilet paper seems to be a systemic issue as now it has happened again to Redacted, in a different place, and I heard many times over at meetings that this is common.  What drives a CO to deny someone toilet paper? I am seriously asking this question as I can’t wrap my head around any answer that supports this action of denial for a basic, human need. It actually seems rather sadistic.

As I noted in my letter dated December 31, 2022:

Along with the physical need for toilet paper and showers as this is a major hygiene issue, and I would think the DOC would want all the inmates to stay as clean as possible, there is the mental/emotional abuse factor that I believe is even more insidious.  Is this the protocol that is in place?  Are Correctional Officers allowed to withhold toilet paper and showers? Who is ultimately responsible? Commissioner Kuhn?  Governor Murphy? In my mind, the buck stops with both of you. The power is in your hands to allow this to occur by doing nothing or for you to change the way that the prison staff behaves.”

Toilet paper and showers should be the norm. These things should not be used as an abusive tool to intimidate and degrade the people in the prison. Period.

Another issue of note is the fact that, upon arrival, Redacted was placed in an area of the New Jersey State Prison where a past abuser was living. It is hard for me to understand how the DOC does not cross check names in order to avoid placing inmates in very dangerous situations such as this, where the abuser can call out Redacted, as a “rat,” and endanger his life.  

This leads me to wonder how and why. There is no answer, in my mind, that justifies that kind of error.

Redacted told me tonight that he is essentially off most of the medications that he was taking. I hope this is a good sign, in terms of physical health issues, since he had a really rough Fall with his leg swelling and then contracting shingles. The greater challenge is the behavioral health issue so I hope that the psychology department is closely monitoring him as he is still adjusting to major medication changes. 

I was told, when I called the Psychology area on Monday, that Redacted would have to sign another release of medical information, HIPAA release form, for the New Jersey State Prison, in order that I can have access to his medical information. I was also told that someone would bring the form to Redacted. As of tonight, he had not received the form. 

Redacted is still waiting to receive many of his medical records and the behavioral health records he requested back in the Fall. What exactly is the reason for the delay? These are records about him and he is entitled to them. 

As per the DOC correspondence dated January 12, 2023:

“Further, the patient was instructed that he can request copies of his medical records such as lab results and his HIPAA release information by submitting the MR022 form.  Per the medical records clerk, the patient has not submitted an MR 022 since November 17, 2022.  Of note, the patient’s physician supplied him with additional copies of his lab results on December 30, 2022.  With regard to his mental health records, the patient met with his psychiatrist on December 6, 2022, and during his session was provided with the process by which mental health records are obtained.  The patient’s request was received and is currently under review.  Once Rutgers determines what should be released to the patient, the records will be prepared and provided to the patient.”  

It is now March 2023. It seems as though the time frame for making a decision regarding medical records should have been finalized as there has been ample time for Rutgers to make a decision. If Redacted needs to sign forms for this request, please bring them to him. Thanks. 

I now have a blog to advocate for incarcerated people. Since becoming so informed about what happens to people in prison, especially because of my son’s experiences and by attending the NJ Correctional Ombudsperson’s gatherings and meeting past incarcerated folks, I have moved forward to educate and inform others. 

Please feel free to peruse as I am constantly updating with my letters as well as an expansion, in the future, to include more advocacy related articles.


Susan Guardia

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