Another week gone by for Redacted… 

With no answers and still in pain, my son remains in South Woods Prison, with no access to his medical records, which he requested in writing approximately two weeks ago and no results from his blood work, which was drawn over two weeks ago, and no diagnosis to explain the swelling and constant pain in his legs and feet.

Redacted told me that he was brought to St. Francis Hospital in Trenton, NJ last Friday, Nov. 4, 2022.  He was asked by a nurse where his wound was located.  He doesn’t have any wounds.  He told me that he saw a sign for a wound care medical unit and wondered why he was there, and when the nurse asked him about his wounds, it didn’t make sense.  He told me that he asked the nurse if the doctor was a vascular specialist and she said he was a general doctor. Who was this doctor?

I was told by Maggie Reed, Medical Ombudswoman for Rutgers University Correctional Health Program, and which I noted in a previous email, that Redacted was going to be seen by a vascular specialist, in person.  According to Redacted, this doctor at St. Francis went over his records from Robert Wood Johnson and he told Redacted that his blood flow was good.  Redacted said there was no diagnostic testing completed while there at St. Francis. What current factual information did this doctor use to make this statement?  

According to Redacted, the doctor told him that he was going to refer him to a neurologist as he thought the leg swelling was possibly a spinal cord issue. Redacted and I both would like to understand the rationale for that possibility.  Redacted does not have any back pain and to my knowledge has not had any serious back injuries.

When is Redacted going to see the neurologist that was referred by this doctor? 

According to Redacted, the doctor told him that he was going to suggest that Redacted receive a different type of pain medication. Is that going to happen and if so when is Redacted going to receive pain medication that might give him relief from the pain?  When is Redacted going to receive the results of his blood work?  When is Redacted going to receive his medical records?

Redacted has been receiving diuretics for several weeks, which were prescribed by one of the doctors at South Woods.  According to Redacted, the swelling has not abated with the use of these and both Redacted and I want to know the medical reason that they were prescribed.  Who is monitoring this? 

As a reminder once again, Redacted only has one kidney.

I take this moment to remind everyone that Redacted has been in pain for over two months, with no solution in sight as to how he should be treated. This is not acceptable. When we, as human beings, are brought to the doctor or emergency room for an issue, one of the very first questions is, “how do you rate your pain on a scale of 1-10.”  Patients in these situations are not left to suffer but are instead treated with pain medication, while the diagnosis process continues.  The same standard should be applied to Inmates, as they are also human beings. Redacted has been receiving Ibuprofen and Tylenol but he is still having pain.  Who is monitoring this issue?

Access to medical records is a right.  Redacted needs to have information to understand what is going on with his body. The “knowing” is important for his mental/emotional health.  He has depression and anxiety and is being treated for both by the psychiatrist at South Woods.  The way that his case has been, in my opinion, entirely mishandled has only exacerbated his mental/emotional stress.  This is not acceptable.

When can Redacted expect answers to the above questions?


Susan Guardia

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