As an addendum to the previous email…

Have you involved a vascular surgeon in this case?  And if not, why?  With Redacted’s history and now both legs swollen and in pain, it doesn’t look to be an infection.  Is there something going on that you have not told Redacted, as he is not aware of what is happening and when I ask him for the diagnosis, he doesn’t have an answer from any doctor that he has seen.  He, as the patient, should have a very clear understanding of what is happening, not only for information purposes, but for his mental and emotional welfare.  He should also be aware of the names of the physicians and nurses who are seeing and treating him.  He is not.  His mental state is not acute because of the pain and he doesn’t remember to ask these questions.  I expect that the doctors and nurses should introduce themselves and, in his case, leave him a card with their information, which is also standard in the healthcare environment.

I once again remind you of your mission statement, which includes the phrase, “delivery of effective, compassionate and accessible care within correctional environments.”  

He is in pain, physical, mental and emotional.  Who is addressing this?  I am concerned that Redacted may lose his legs if circulation is the issue.  Redacted is also thinking the same.

All of these emails are being sent certified today to some of you to insure that they have been received and noted.


Susan Guardia

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