To All Concerned:

As a followup to yesterday’s email:

I just spoke with redacted and he had a doppler ultrasound this morning after breakfast.  He did not see any doctor. There was no one to address his pain as the doctor was not present. He is mentally and emotionally, besides physically, traumatized by the thought that he might lose his leg.

While with the ultrasound tech he must have said something that led her to believe he wanted to die, and the psychiatrist came by to check on him.  He denied that he said that, but he was visibly upset, crying, as he told me, when he talked to her about what was going on.  He has PTSD from almost losing his leg when he was 17 and now again the vascular abnormality, in his mind, is rearing its ugly head.  It is the NOT KNOWING that is exhausting and causing him a desperate amount of pain in every way imaginable.

The fact that there was no doctor to see him today is reprehensible considering the trauma he is experiencing because of his history with this leg.  It should be obvious to any trained medical doctor, nurse, etc. that this would be the case.  

He has no idea what the results of the test are, so he is left with the same questions and no answers as when he got there.

If redacted were your child, mother, brother, cousin, aunt, uncle, grandparent, how would you handle this?  Would you leave them in their room, locked up, without any ability to get medical help? I don’t think so.  It is reprehensible to let any human being suffer like this and any doctor who does nothing is complicit. 

He doesn’t have any hope.

I absolutely refuse to stand by and let my son suffer without trying to help him. 

Losing hope,

Susan Guardia

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