I took some time…

To see what would happen…

Looking for the  follow through…

I have been listening to Redacted, watching to see what happens, and waiting for follow up in several areas of concern since my last email dated November 29, 2022. According to Redacted, there is still swelling in his calves along with pain, although he does report the pain may be a little less than previous, which I am assuming is due to the gabapentin.  Has anyone stopped by to look and ask?  

Redacted still reports having pain at the end of urination and I am aware that he put in medical slips for this issue. Redacted did report that a urine sample was taken about a month or so ago or maybe less.  What are the results? This is not normal. Perhaps he has a urinary tract infection? 

Redacted had blood work done about a month ago.  Why hasn’t he received the results?  He told me that he is fearful that there is something wrong.  The fact that he cannot see the results is magnifying his own fear and he believes that the doctors are hiding something from him. In my world and I’m sure, your world, blood results are discussed after they come back.  This can allay fears that are totally unnecessary when you see that the results are normal.  Why hasn’t anyone come to discuss the results and dropped off the paperwork so that Redacted can see for himself what is actually going on? He has a right to see his medical records. He has legitimate concerns about his health and wants to know why he is having all of these symptoms.  

Around the beginning of December, Redacted received compression stockings that were too small. He was subsequently told that he would be fitted for compression stockings.  For those that do not know, Redacted is 6′ 5″ and weighs approximately 225 pounds. It is not surprising that standard size compression stockings would not fit correctly.  When will Redacted be fitted for compression stockings that are appropriate for him? The compression stockings were recommended by Dr. Rahimi, the vascular specialist.

Redacted did report that on November 30, 2022, he began the gabapentin.  It has now been a month, so I am wondering if anyone is assessing whether the dosage has to be increased in order to reach the maximum benefit for RedactedRedacted told me that he is receiving 300 mg three times per day. He still has pain.

Redacted reported that on December 2, 2022, he and Dr. Malta participated in a video appointment with a neurologist.  Redacted told me that the neurologist recommended an EMG, electromyography.  When will this happen?  It has already been a month since this recommendation.  Redacted’s leg swelling is still a mystery.   What is taking so long?

Redacted reported that Dr. Musser, the psychiatrist, told him that she does not have Redacted’s behavioral health records.  He reported that she told him the DOC has those records and they will not release them.  Is this true or false? Are the behavioral health clinical records in South Woods protected by hipaa laws?  Since Dr. Musser tracks Redacted’s behavioral health and writes the notes, how is it possible that she doesn’t have them? That doesn’t make sense.  Where are his behavioral health records and why would Redacted not have the right to his own records, whether or not they are medical or behavioral health?

With regard to records, Redacted has still not received the clinical records/doctor notes from the South Woods Medical Clinic. Every doctor and nurse that saw him should be making notes regarding his health. He has not received his blood work record. Where are the rest of his records?  He should be entitled to see any and all, including but not limited to the above.  

Where is the release of medical information form that Redacted signed, which allows me to have access to his medical information?  He still has not received this and wants to have a copy of his own, especially as there seems to be a total lack of communication between the DOC and the medical clinic, as I noted in a previous email with regard to this issue.  

Redacted also mentioned that he has met, several times since October, with someone who he describes as a therapist.  Is this man an LCSW, a psychologist, a social worker?  Redacted doesn’t know his name but he described him to me.  Why is it that there seems to be a lack of formal introduction when people come to see Redacted?  Does South Woods offer one on one therapy?  And if so, are there privacy standards in place?  

Redacted called me yesterday and told me that he put in a medical slip three days ago as he has some type of infection in his right buttock.  He doesn’t know if it’s a bug bite or some other type of skin infection.  He reported that a nurse came to see him December 28, 2022, and said that she would refer a doctor.  He expressed that it is extremely painful.  

A new year is upon us and my hope is for some serious change in the system of medical care in the NJ State Prisons. My letters are meant to help my son but they are also indicative of a systemic problem/ failure for all inmates. After attending the public NJ Ombudspersons meeting in Camden a few weeks ago, this became overwhelmingly obvious as I listened to prior inmates who are now released. The lack of proper medical care was one of the most egregious problems at stake. This is fixable.  Apply the same standard of care as we all have. It is the humane thing to do.

Best for the new year,

Susan Guardia

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