There are several pressing issues that I want to address, the last being the most important.  

1.  Today I received a call from my son and, once again, for the third time, the issue of toilet paper is rearing its ugly head. He ran out today and asked for more toilet paper and the response was the same as the last time. “There is no toilet paper in the prison.” He told me that others in his area are having the same problem. Is this really a problem? The budget for the DOC is huge. Do they not account for toilet paper?

2.  Medical issues:

          b. Redacted right eye was traumatized when he was hit by another inmate’s fist about two weeks ago. He is seeing a black image in his eye. Redacted told me that the nurse said he would be seen by an eye specialist. Why hasn’t he been seen? He already has no vision in the left eye from trauma at the Monmouth County Jail, when he was pummeled by several inmates there and basically left to die in his cell by the nurses and the CO’s, who totally ignored his bloodied, black and blue face for a couple of days. Because he didn’t want to snitch, he didn’t complain. The pain was so tremendous he finally asked for help. BUT, the nurses brought his medication every day and the CO’s saw him every day and did nothing to help him when it was obvious that he needed the ER.

          a.  Redacted had blood work completed over a month ago. He told me that his TSH was low 0.29, possibly indicating hyperthyroidism, and that the nurse was going to bring him back to check the T3 and the T4. No blood has been drawn as of today. Redacted has been in the clinic area several times since for other issues. Why hasn’t this been done? Coincidentally, Redacted tells me that he has lost a great deal of weight. 

          c.  Redacted told me that he was given the wrong medication a couple of days ago by the morning nurse. It was a cherry red pill with 192 inscribed. I looked it up and it was  Buproprion Hydrochloride 100 mg. He told the afternoon nurse but I don’t know if she reported that mistake. He also mentioned that others around him received that pill. Who is monitoring the medication? Also, I thought Buproprion Hydrochloride was no longer used in the prison, as that is what Redacted was told at South Woods and he was switched to another medication. Was that not true?

          d.  Redacted was punched in the nose a few weeks ago and he tells me his nose is broken.  He told me that he did not see any ENT specialist. Why wasn’t he evaluated by an ENT to see if there was damage that could be fixed?

3.  Last but not least and certainly most importantly, Redacted was attacked in his cell:

          According to Redacted, he was attacked in his cell at night, around 10 pm, by two inmates in section 7 a couple of weeks ago. In his cell means the door was locked. How did the two inmates get in? Did they have a key? I think not. I want to know who opened the door and let them in. Redacted woke up in a pool of blood on the floor. He ended up in constant watch after this incident and told the clinician, Linda, what happened. She told him that she was going to report to SID. Did this happen?  

I am concerned that my son has been targeted and that the attack was not coincidental. I believe that the Correctional Officers opened the door. How else could it get opened?

What will be done to ensure that Redacted is not killed in this prison?  

For Ms. Kuhn and all the NJ State Senators and Assemblypersons reading this, what are you going to do about the violence in the prison? What are you going to do to hold the Correctional Officers responsible for their behavior? Where are the body cameras? 


Susan Guardia

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