The issues never end…

This past Wednesday, May 24, 2023, I went to visit my son.  He was very despondent. The phone had not been working since Saturday, May 20, 2023, as something had happened with his PIN which was possibly changed by someone. The phone is a lifeline for him as talking with my family and me helps to sustain him and also allows us to stay in touch with someone that we love.

He also told me that his phone privileges were, once again, taken away for 30 days based on a charge from approximately 6-7 weeks ago.

I do not understand how the DOC allows the practice of taking away communications with family as a form of punishment. That, to me, is totally unacceptable for any person detained in prison, as many rely on these communications to stay sane while incarcerated. I would think that the DOC would want to keep these types of communication methods sacred as a sane person is much easier to work with than someone in the throes of major depression, etc. 

He told me that the charge goes back to when he had been brought to the medical clinic “constant watch” area about 6-7 weeks ago. It was difficult to follow and remember exactly so I am trying my best to relate what Redacted told me while visiting him. Redacted, of course, is the best source of information.

It was right after his roommate, in, I think, 2A,  beat him up and the next day he told the CO’s and they moved him to another cell, I think, 3B.  For those that work within the DOC or medical areas, you should have access to see the dates that he was moved from cell to medical unit and then you will know when this happened. 

According to Redacted, his old roommate punched Redacted in the ribs and broke his nose.  The next day he told the CO’s and they moved him to 3B Right.  He told me during my visit that he requested medical care then because of the ribs and nose injuries and the CO’s refused to bring him to medical.  To get attention in order to get medical help, he laid on the floor in the cell and the guards thought he was maybe dead. He recounted the CO’s brought him to constant watch and he was handcuffed and they had to strip search him and somehow he fell forward and lost his balance. He told me the guards were throwing him around like a “ragdoll.”  That is the first time I have heard that term and he explained. He said he had bruises from all the kicking and being thrown around by the CO’s.

Redacted told me the charge was because he did not cooperate with the strip search that day, while in constant watch, that is done every time people are moved from one place to another. He was beaten up by his roommate, was in acute pain, and was in severe emotional stress. I want to note that I do not believe Redacted, in the past, ever had a problem with this strip search issue. When someone is hurt in any way, by other inmates or CO’s, is there any accountability or consequence?

Did anyone in medical take an incident report about the roommate beating him up? Did anyone in the medical unit observe what was going on when Redacted was brought in? Did anyone take pictures of Redacted injuries?

He also told me that he thinks the guard who wrote up the charges has been targeting him. 

Another charge…

Redacted said that he appealed the “first charge” in this prison, for which he lost his phone for 30 days just recently in April to May, for refusing to stay in the area where they first placed him when he arrived March 3, 2023, with the old roommate from South Woods who threatened to stab him. 

Back in July, Redacted told the CO’s at South Woods about his roommate who threatened to stab him and they were both charged, as a knife was found in the cell, and that is how he ended up in the Restricted Housing Unit (RHU).  When he was moved to the New Jersey State Prison, why would they move him to an area inhabited by the guy he snitched on?  In my opinion, that is negligent on the part of the prison and dangerous for Redacted. So when he first arrived he was told by his roommate in that area that he was going to be killed because he snitched on this guy who was living in the same area and had passed the word on to Redacted that he better “get out.” This roommate from South Woods told the others in the area and so Redacted was “marked.”  So to get out of there he refused to leave the shower. 

They moved him, but sometime in April, he told me that they charged him for not leaving the shower in order to protect himself and get out of the area.  If true, there should be an appeal and the prison should rescind the charge. Who will look into this?

Losing the phone, emails and commissary again for 30 days is a major issue for my son’s mental health. I can understand taking away commissary but not phone or emails.

Redacted also told me during our visit that he was going to be out of toilet paper the next day.  Since he no longer has access to the commissary he cannot even buy any toilet paper. I certainly hope that if he asks, he will get a necessity that none of us can do without.

As for the medical issues, he also explained that there are times when the wrong dosage of one of his medications is given to him. He told me that he informs the medication delivery person and sometimes they come back with the correct dosage and sometimes they do not. This is unacceptable.

Again I reiterate to Commissioner Kuhn:  How are you going to keep my son from being killed under your watch?

I am also requesting that the charges against Redacted and the loss of phone as a consequence be investigated. No one should lose communication with their family as a consequence.


Susie Guardia

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